Monday, June 19, 2023
For the 17th time, a community-regulated supply of heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine has been distributed by the Drug User Liberation Front (DULF) and the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users (VANDU).
To commemorate the 176 people who passed away in May 2023, VANDU and DULF distributed 3.5 grams of each cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine to VANDU’s membership.
Vancouver, BC - More than 12,000 have died of overdoses since the declaration of a public health crisis in BC in 2016. To combat the sea of overdose deaths in our community, since August of 2022, DULF has been running an illicit Compassion Club and Fulfillment Centre for 50 people. Almost a full year into its operation there has not been a single overdose fatality from the substances that have been distributed to the Compassion Club’s membership.
In yet another effort to show that evidence-based harm reduction works, DULF also continues to run its Dope on Arrival (DoA) Program; a program wherein the DULF distributes tested drugs each time the coroner announces updated numbers of fatalities. June 19 marks the 17th giveaway of such substances, which have been tested via PS-MS, NMR, and HPLC testing, and do not contain fentanyl, benzodiazepines, or other harmful cuts, buffs, and adulterants. DULF and VANDUs demonstration shows the potential for a life-saving community-led response to the declared public health emergency in BC, that could stem the escalating overdose deaths rates across Canada with sanctioning.
“Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Overdoses. And Overdoses Make Me Crazy. Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Overdoses. And Overdoses Make Me Crazy. Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Overdoses. And Overdoses Make Me Crazy. Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Overdoses. And Overdoses Make Me Crazy.” -Eris Nyx